Kansas City Dream Center Collaboration

Kansas City Dream Center 425 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS, United States

Mobile Food Distribution Volunteers will provide a variety of fresh, healthy foods to hundreds of families in a drive-thru event.


Dinner with Jeff Vanderstelt – Kansas City

Rc's Restaraunt & Lounge 330 East 135th Street, Kansas City, MO, United States

Join us for dinner with Jeff Vanderstelt, visionary leader of Saturate and the Soma Family of Churches in Seattle. Over the past seven years Saturate the Sound has brought together over one hundred church leaders representing over eighty Christian Organizations to learn and live together. Come be encouraged and hear what we hope to accomplish […]


Dinner with Jeff Vanderstelt – Kansas City

Rc's Restaraunt & Lounge 330 East 135th Street, Kansas City, MO, United States

Join us for dinner with Jeff Vanderstelt, visionary leader of Saturate and the Soma Family of Churches in Seattle. Over the past seven years Saturate the Sound has brought together over one hundred church leaders representing over eighty Christian Organizations to learn and live together. Come be encouraged and hear what we hope to accomplish […]

Kansas City – Johnson County

The Big Biscuit 16111 West 87th Street, Lenexa, KS, United States

God is moving in Kansas City and the harvest is ripe! Like never before, God is knitting the Body of Christ together with a common vision to see every soul saved. It's time to connect on the real issues in our communities, and to focus on reaching the lost! Join us April 13th at the […]

Prayer Walk for KC Schools

Macedonia Baptist church 1700 NE Linwood Blv, Kansas City, MO, United States

Claim Your Campus and Caring For Kids KC, in partnership with Pray KC, are organizing a city-wide prayer initiative to support and bless our local schools! On Friday, May 5th, we will come together and enjoy a light dinner and community time around the table starting at 6 pm. Then at 7 pm, we move […]

EveryKC Region 4 Roundtable

Westside Family Church 8500 Woodsonia Drive, Lenexa, KS, United States

You're invited to the fall Regional Roundtables for EveryKC, an initiative of Love KC. EveryKC facilitates business, church, and organization leader collaboration so every person in Kansas City has multiple opportunities to hear the good news of Jesus from a friend. Regional Roundtables are a valuable opportunity to build relationships, share ideas,and find common ground. […]

EveryKC Region 5 Roundtable

Life Mission Church 2400 North 81 Street, Kansas City, KS, United States

You're invited to the fall Regional Roundtables for EveryKC, an initiative of Love KC. EveryKC facilitates business, church, and organization leader collaboration so every person in Kansas City has multiple opportunities to hear the good news of Jesus from a friend. Regional Roundtables are a valuable opportunity to build relationships, share ideas,and find common ground. […]