God is moving in the Kansas City, the harvest is ripe!
Like never before, God is knitting the Body of Christ together with a common vision to see every soul saved. It’s time to connect on the real issues in our communities, and to focus on reaching the lost!
Join us this June as Christian leaders from different ethnicities, theological backgrounds and burdens come together around tables to solve real challenges, build relationships, and dream about what we could do together that we couldn’t do apart. This is not a new organization we are asking you to join, rather we aim to bring together the family of God to look at the Great Commission in a new light, and develop sustainable strategies built around long-term relationships.
Christian leaders from different areas of society (ministries, the marketplace, education, etc.) will bring their perspective to the table, as we discuss what it would look like to see every person reached, and every area of our society touched and transformed by the gospel.