Join us as we look to what could be possible if we all commit to caring for our cities and working together so that we can see Orange County transformed to look more like the Kingdom of Jesus.
Let us gather for corporate worship, united prayer & inspiration towards Hollywood Transformation impacting Spiritual Awakening across our nation & Global Harvest with JESUS at the center.
Join us for this free festival that is bringing Hope to San Diego County! Be encouraged by the music, powerful drama, stories, and messages of Hope, and healing.
In an era when bad news dominates the airwaves and stories of hopelessness abound, our nation is in desperate need of HOPE. Almost daily, we hear news of another mass murder, school shooting, increased poverty, child abuse, homelessness, suicide, racial divisions, addiction, human trafficking, and, now, pandemics. But there is HOPE! His Name is Jesus.
Join thousands in the LA Community for a family friendly upbeat music festival that includes great LIVE music, food, car show, giveaways, and messages of HOPE from people and artists who have experienced hope, freedom and recovered out of their hopeless situations. Receive resources from mental health and hope filled organizations that can help you experience HOPE!