
Your church is uniquely placed within your community to boldly share Jesus and teach others how to follow Him.

This page explains how your church can be a part of strategically reaching every person in your community in this urgent hour.

What can we do as a local church? 

Make a plan

Reaching your community begins with defining your “All”.

Step 1: Research

What is the population of your area (age, ethnicity, language, etc)? How many households, schools, churches…?

Step 2: Faith Goal

How many people and geographical areas will you adopt, pray for and connect with in your community?

Step 3: Launch Date

Set a date for your church launch. 

5 Finish Lines:

Make a 5 Finish Line strategy in your area. This will support your congregation in connecting with neighbors and friends and, in turn, connecting them to Jesus, the Bible and Christian community.


Embrace the finish lines as a way to measure the Great Commission and promote community-wide events that focus on great commission activity.


How about adopting the area where your church is located? This could be the ZIP Code or a differently defined area that makes sense to your location.
Challenge your congregation to work together until every household in your area is adopted.

Break it down

A large area commitment can be daunting. Breaking it down into manageable chunks allows different groups to take ownership – e.g. the business people take on downtown, the moms’ group commits to the section with the big park – you get the idea.

Work together

Invite other churches in your area to join in.

Set goals – like making sure every school is adopted (and pray for the people in every business/media outlet/place of government/etc.)

The Goals of the 5 Finish lines launch:

  • Commit to adopting a neighborhood(s), school(s), and/or business in your community. 
  • Mobilize your church to pray for and connect with the people you have targeted. 
  • Measure your progress in praying and connecting with every person.

5 Finish Lines

Sample Launch

  • Welcome and Announcements
  • Worship, Tithes and Offering
  • Introduction of the “All” Framework
  • Show the All.America promo video
  • Challenge your congregation about the value of reaching their neighbors for Christ
  • Share your FAITH GOAL and next steps


We have put together a range of tools to help you define and reach your All – guides for small groups, churches, local communities; timelines, templates, sermon outlines, partner ministry resources and training…

Church Resources

from some of our partners, tagged by Finish Lines

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  • How did you hear about All.America?...

Mark Sixma